There are a number of ways to serve at Trinity Lutheran Church. The congregation is served by a number of boards and committees. But many members serve in other ways for smaller and less regular tasks according to their time and talents.
Trinity Lutheran Church Council - This board oversees secular matters of the congregation. The main officers are President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The boards consist of Board of Elders, Board of Trustees, Board of Missions, Board of Social Concerns, Board of Education, Board of Fellowship, Board of Youth Ministry. Advisory members are the Pastor, a member of the Youth Group, and the Trinity Lutheran Preschool Director. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of all the odd months - January, March, May, July, September and November.
Voters Assembly - Routine business is conducted by the Council as directed by the Voters Assembly (all formal members of the congregation). At least two Voters Meeting are held in a year, and others may be called in order to present any other items of business to the members.
The Board of Elders - Members of this committee along with the Pastor concern themselves with the spiritual matters of the congregation. They serve as examples of Christian conduct, encourage members to worship as well as follow God's Word, oversee and assist with worship planning, work with Pastor in any necessary tasks in the congregation, and handle any complaints or grievances that may arise.
The Board of Trustees - Members of this committee see to all the needs of the church and property.
Board of Missions and Social Concerns - This board strives to provide members with ways to win souls for God's church. Projects include congregational, local, nationwide and international needs. This board is also active in providing assistance to those in the congregation and local area who need help with physical needs. This includes food and clothing drives, delivering food and other items for those in need, and developing plans when other social needs present themselves.
The Board of Education - This board oversees Sunday School, Bible Class, families and Trinity Lutheran Preschool in the effort to provide Christian Education for all that attend Trinity's events.
Board of Fellowship - This group promotes activities that allow the congregation as well as community members to socialize and grow.