
With the sudden rise in active COVID cases in Montezuma county this month, I’d like to take this time to remind you of our online worship opportunities at Trinity Lutheran Church. 

To join us online, you just need to connect to the live teleconference. There are several ways you can do this, for example, you can use a regular telephone, a cell phone, a smartphone mobile app, a tablet, or a computer. Please pick the method that is easiest for you and try connecting at any time to test how it works (keep in mind, if you're the only one connected, then it will connect you, but you'll hear hold music or just silence until someone else connects). The phone number, access code, and website below won’t change from week to week, so you should be able to use this same information each week.

1. Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6358;    Access code: 367780#


2. Join the online meeting on your computer, smartphone, or tablet by going to this link and downloading the app to allow for the video features:

Online meeting ID: trinitylccortez

I normally start the conference call about 15 mins before our 9 am worship and turn it off about 5-10 mins after worship. However, if you call in early, just leave your phone or computer connected and it will start the live stream once I connect as the “host.”

I try to eventually post the recordings of these videos on our youtube page (normally by Tuesday), so if you miss worshiping with us on Sunday morning you can watch it later in the week as well.

As of this evening, I'm planning to continue to have both in-person and online worship services, but as things have been rapidly changing, please check your email by Saturday afternoon for the latest news. To assist the people worshiping from home, I will also start emailing out a copy of the bulletin each week on Saturday afternoon and I will post the bulletin on our website.

As we live through this pandemic together, please keep myself, our church, and the preschool in your prayers. Everyone will have different opinions about what is best and the most we can do is try to be understanding of each other and seek to worship together online or in-person in whatever method you feel the most comfortable with.

Lord, have mercy. Amen.

Luke Scheele, Pastor
Trinity Lutheran Church