
We will continue this Sunday with online worship, while we let the COVID cases calm down a bit around the Cortez area. I ended up with all 4 of my older kids getting COVID, but mostly they had mild to no symptoms. Their isolations end this week, so I’ll take a current look at the situation with the Elders and we’ll decide which direction we will move. I’m hoping we can move back to in-person worship once I’m, as the pastor, am no longer the one most likely to share the virus.

All that being said, our online worship times will remain the same as they have been. We will do a live teleconference worship service at 9 am and then we will post that recording at 6 pm on YouTube.

If you have technical issues and don’t want to deal with a Teleconference or YouTube worship service, then you are more than welcome to join us in-person at 9 am on Sunday and be part of the background congregation that gets recorded for the benefit of the rest of the congregation. Even if you don’t have technical issues and just simply desire to join us in-person you are still welcome, but I do ask that you consider wearing a mask while moving about the church or at least try to maintain the 6+ ft distance.

Regardless, if you are feeling sick, then PLEASE join us online.

Bible Study will be done online at 10:45 am using the teleconference tool as well. Instead of continuing our study of Hebrews this Sunday, we will be doing one more single topic Sunday lesson. This Sunday our topic will be on “Redeeming Creation.” Talking about how God’s plan of redemption doesn’t end at the Cross, but how he is working through us until Christ’s return.


Bulletin 20211010 20th Sunday af Pentecost PP Online.pdf


Bible Study Redeeming Creation Journal.pdf


Sunday (October 10th):

9 AM: Teleconference: Dial-in number: (425) 436-6358;    Access code: 367780# 

6 PM: Worship Service YouTube Recording: 


Bible Study Recording: